
Monday, December 18, 2023

A Gift of Learning


throwing the shuttle supported from below

Welp, I'm seeing places reminding folk that giving the gift of learning is a nice gift to give.  No wrapping, no packaging to recycle, so space required on the already full shelves.  (I'm not talking about bookshelves, obs.)

So once again for old time sake:

School of Sweet Georgia

Handwoven/Long Thread Media

My books

And if you want textiles my ko-fi shop where I also have a couple of signed copies of Stories from the Matrix, and lots of Weave a V by Kerstin Fröberg.  No time to get those to you in time for Xmas, but yes, there are lots of towels to choose from, with maybe more coming soon.  I have several designs not yet photographed, and if I can find the spoons, another batch to give their finishing press to and put 'away'.

I'm officially over the halfway mark on the current warp and looking forward to the new year and a new colour of warp.  :)

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