
Sunday, December 24, 2023

By the Numbers

 Just logged into blogspot and discovered that page views for this blog rolled over 2.6 million just since I got up this morning.

Now I don't for one second believe that all of those page views are by people who actually *read* the blog.  Too many folk out there 'phishing' for me to believe that I have that many actual page views.

But still, making allowance for the scam artists and phishers amongst us, that's still a lot of page views.

There is a certain level af angst out in internet-land because so many various and sundry social media sites are pretty bad, right now.

OTOH, our social media sites reflect what is happening in our lives.  And yeah, things are not great right now.  There are way too many people fomenting anger, celebrating selfishness, urging others to distrust people who don't look like them, think like them, love like them, worship (if they do) like them.

I try to not get political on this blog, but it is also a reflection of - and by - me and my life.  And I cannot ignore the ways of the world and the inhabitants, many of whom seem intent on destroying anything they don't 'like'.  Instead of living in peace, as pretty much every modern day religious leader has advised, too many humans seem focused on controlling others.  That seems to be the only way they can find to live - do as I say, or else.  Usually waving their holy book, which clearly says love is the way.  

I was raised Christian.  Went to Sunday school every week.  Got certificates for 'perfect' attendance more than one year, joined an adult bible study group at the age of 12 and was baptised again as a full member of the congregation.  (So when evangelicals tell me you have to be baptised twice to get into heaven, yes, sir, I have been.  And frankly, I don't want to go to *your* heaven, anyway.)

We are poised to 'celebrate' the supposed birth of 'our lord and savior Jesus Christ' and yet I see people who loudly claim to be 'Christian' ignoring the hungry, refusing to help the refugees, demanding that everyone follow *their* version of religion instead of what Jesus actually said.

Several people have recently asked me if I'm 'ready' for Christmas.  My usual response is 'oh, is that soon?'  Because I don't wait for once a year to live like a Christian.  Normally I don't even mention that is my upbringing because I left the church a long time ago.  

That doesn't mean I left the lessons I learned at Sunday school behind.  As a moral code they work well, and I try to live them every day.

Feed the hungry.  Heal the ill.  Accept the strangers amongst us.  Don't live to make money but to  help your fellow human beings.  

So, on this Christmas eve, we do not have a Christmas tree (other than the metal one I bought from a fellow craftsperson a few years ago - which stays out all year on the mantel).  We do not have a heap of gifts to open.  It is just the two of us and we have pretty much everything we need.  

Our gift to each other this year (and for the rest of our time in this house, truth to be told) was a new HVAC system.  Next year we will replace our elderly Ford Ranger with a Ford Maverick hybrid.  (And if anyone wants to buy a lightly used Ford Ranger...)

Because we want to do what *we* can to use less of the finite supply of fossil fuels.

We cannot solve the climate crisis all by ourselves, BUT!  We don't have to make it worse.  And less gas burned is still and all, less gas burned.

For all of you who have come along with me on my journey since August 2008, I thank you.  I promise I will continue to limit politics on this blog.  But that doesn't mean I don't know what is happening in our world.

I will continue to weave and share my weaving journey.  Beyond this blog I will continue to encourage and support others in my social network.  I will continue to donate funds to individuals and organizations, when I can.  When emotional support is needed, I will try to provide that, too.

But mostly, I will continue to weave as much as I can.  Learn as much as I can.  Share what I learn as much as I am able.

Over the past few years I've spent quite a lot of time and energy providing online content and books, both digital and actual print.  I have one more book that is simmering and if all goes well will appear in the coming year.  Another niche topic for a niche market.  If it sees light of day.

As I continue to deal with health issues, I have had to change my expectations, and downsize my goals and activities.  This has not been an easy transition, but it's that or give up entirely.  And I have way too much yarn and way too many ideas simmering on the back burner to stop now.

So for those of you who are celebrating this week, I wish you peace and contentment for the coming new year.  To be grateful for what you have, if you have 'enough'.  To encourage you to keep learning.  Keep changing.  Keep growing.  "Do the best you can.  When you know better, do better."

Season's Greetings - whatever your religion (or none) - from the both of us.


  1. That is such a lovely closing benediction. Lots of wisdom there.
