
Thursday, December 14, 2023

Step by Step


Initial draft (after working with this weave structure for over a year, I think I'm beginning to understand how it works...)

Next variation - not entirely happy with this, but had some interesting things happening that I wanted to explore some more.  OTOH, it would be fine as it is, as a tea towel.  Just not really calling to me unless I play with it some more.

This one is better, and might go into the loom as well as the first one.

A small change to the previous version which may - or may not - get put into the loom.  I may also play around with the initial iteration some more based on these further developments.

OTOH, I may switch to a different tile design and play with that, instead.

For those interested, I wrote about this weave structure in Stories from the Matrix as I was starting to explore the possibilities.

In the meantime I need to finish the warp in the loom before I can begin to work on the next.  I have two other designs I worked on before these, and I may set them aside for now and go straight to the first one of these, see how it weaves up.

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