
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Ko-Fi Updates


The current towels are difficult to see, in part because the repeat is bigger than the space up on top of the loom, in part because I'm using one of the warp colours as weft.

I have managed to update my ko-fi shop with four more 'matrix' designs, and I am feeling a bit, well, restless, so I think this will be the last in the series.  

The gift linen yarn from Lithuania is already in Canada and in customs for clearance.  It might even arrive before the weekend.  So I'm already thinking about what I want to do with it.  :)  

A kilo of linen yarn should produce quite a few towels and the natural beige of the linen should look nice on the peacock/bleu moyen yarn that is still on the tubes.  There should be enough for two more warps which ought to use up the linen.  Whatever is left will get used up with more of the natural white, of which I have plenty to use up.  Sure feels good to see those tubes go away.

As for the warp currently on the loom, the design is a variation of the 'tiles' I've been playing with but I got 'clever' and found a way to expand the design creating different versions of the 'tiles'.  I may have gotten too clever for my own good, but we'll see.  Since the weft and warp are so similar it's really hard to see the design, but I only have enough of the peacock for 4 towels, so the rest will be woven in natural white, which will be a much greater contrast and show off the changes in the tiles more clearly.  

It might look 'nice', it might not.  Guess I'll find out tomorrow when I run out of the peacock weft and start using the natural white?

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