
Friday, March 1, 2024



Not 'eye candy' photo, but showing more of the design.  It still isn't all visible, but I think you can get a better idea of what the towel looks like, including the hem area.

I generally weave a hem area, in part to let myself know when I'm reaching the end of the towel.  It also tends to 'frame' the overall design, plus the hem area can be expanded or shrunk to accommodate the overall motif and bring the finished towel in line with the dimensions I want the towel to be.

So far I have 10 towels in this colour in this design.  There should be another 5, maybe 6 on the loom.  I'm hemming what is ready to be hemmed, and will be posting these on my ko-fi shop in the next few days.

In the meantime, there are other others woven in the same technique, but with different motifs and colours.  

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