
Sunday, May 19, 2024

Making Plans


There is a saying that goes:  If you want to make God laugh, make plans.

Since I always prefer to see folk laugh...

Yesterday I hit the 2/3s mark on the current warp.  Today my goal is to finish towel 7 (on this section), cut off and re-tie.  And then somehow get the last 5 or 6 towels woven before my next injection on the 29th.

But I'm hurting.  Quite a lot, actually.  It's not as bad as it could be, but it's grinding, never ending.  Since the only way out is through, I grit my teeth and try to get to the loom twice a day, ignoring pretty much anything else.

I still have to finalize the article I've been working on.  Somehow there just isn't enough oomph left in me to do the last things that need doing.  But maybe today?  Because I have a tight deadline on the next article, which has been started but still needs to be finished, photos sourced, resource list created, etm.

The linen from Lithuania should arrive soon, and I need to think about what colours to order in to use as warp.  In the meantime, I *have* generated a fairly 'simple' threading for a shawl warp and decided to just do enough for 6 shawls.  Which will barely make a dent in my rayon yarn stash, but never mind.  The goal is to get them fringe twisted and wet finished, ready for the craft fair in November.  And then go back to tea towels.

We have had some cooler weather and even a little bit of rain.  Not nearly enough to end the drought, but enough to hopefully knock back the fire danger a little.  More importantly, the northern part of the province got a good soaking rain, and that has helped in the fight to keep those fires from burning down one town.  So far.  But as the wildfire service warned, that fire as well as others not very far away, are still not 'controlled' and anything can happen.

The other exciting thing that has happened is news that my new glasses are ready.  Given it's a long weekend and the Costco parking lot was jammed when we drove by, I'm going to wait until Tuesday to go pick them up.  But hopefully that will help with the eye strain/fatigue.

So there are a few things coming up in the next two weeks that *ought* to make life a little bit better.  Time will tell.

In the meantime, I make plans.  Do I hear the faint echo of a distant laugh???  Oh well.

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