
Sunday, July 21, 2024

Inching Along


Finished off the natural beige linen and started on the white for weft.  The colours are subtle - a pale grey and pale green about the same value.  It's an approach to creating textiles I like because it gives the cloth more depth, more 'interest', than a same yarn/colour warp.

Not that that is bad, of course not.  There are lots of times I will use a solid colour warp.  It depends.  (Bet you are shocked!)

The linen is finer than the 2/16 cotton.  Instead of increasing the number of warp ends, I chose to include some plain weave in the weave structure.  Doing this adds structural stability, and it keeps the cloth 'lighter' - more flexible.  Given the stiffness of the linen, this flexibility is A Good Thing (imho), especially for something like tea towels.

When I gift my towels to people, they sometimes protest that they are too 'nice' to use.  I hasten to assure them that they are not - and, that they will improve with use.  I now have several 'fans' who know and understand this.

The last time I gave towels to my massage therapist, I told him that if they have 'enough' of my towels they can re-gift them.  Without even opening the package he asked if they were more of my towels.  When I said yes, he said "Oh no, we love your towels!"

Yesterday I packaged up the parcel with the samples for the first article I did for WEFT.  I'll mail this week when I go to town.  I know I'm 'early' getting it done, but being a bear of little brain these days, I am working on getting stuff done well before deadline so that I'm not in a mad scramble trying to get it finished on time.

Besides, I am thoroughly enjoying the explorations and want to savor them, think deeply about them, and not rush to judgement about what I'm seeing and experiencing.  I also have very little energy, so I need to be aware of what I am capable of doing in a day and not disappoint myself and them and bailing at the last minute.

Once I've got my worktable cleared off, I will begin processing the samples for the next article.  They are all woven (unless I decide I need more) but there are quite a few of them and I need to make sure I've identified them all so that I don't lose track of what they were woven to illustrate.  

I may measure progress by the inch, not the yard, these days, but progress is still progress.

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