The current warp was designed to do the samples I needed for the current article, but I never do just short warps if I can make longer ones and have them do double duty. So it was with this one.
The 'easiest' way to do the samples I was designing was to do a straight draw, most especially to accommodate doing towels on whatever warp was left once I'd finished weaving the samples.
Of course, once I declared I was 'done' I thought of another approach to trying to figure out what was going on, but the article only has a 1200 word count and I'm going to have a hard time keeping to that - I anticipate heavy editing. :D
So, instead, I will toss out some ideas for people who may want to take what I've done and go further with it.
In the meantime, did I rethread to weave the left over warp with one of my more usual 'fancy' twills? Nope. Sometimes it's just good to go with 'simple'.
The warp is natural white 2/16 cotton threaded in a straight draw at a density appropriate to do a twill so I decided to do a very simple block progression that will create a 'wave' or undulation as the motif.
Yesterday I wove the first towel, found and fixed a sleying error, edited the treadling so that it comes closer to the dimension I want, and started thinking about the next warp.
I have about 700 grams or so of the singles linen, which will do one but not two warps. In an effort to use up that stash I rummaged through Ars Textrina and decided to return to a 'fancy' twill I've used before but messed around with the tie up. I'll let it 'sit' for a bit and see if I'm ok with it or if I mess around with it more.
Once I've done the current warp I'll beam the next one and increase the density to 36 instead of the current 32, and weave as much of the linen up. The warp after that? Don't know. Yet. I will have to set up something to weave off the linen, then get back to using up the fine 20/2 cotton I got from a friend's stash when she died. I have a few options that I can turn to if the density is off, or I can manipulate the tie up, increasing or decreasing the interlacements.
Plus, they will 'just' be tea towels. They don't have to be 'perfect', just functional.
In the meantime I've floated another idea to WEFT. But I already have samples woven for that one so it will be 'just' writing. Beyond that, I'm not sure. The list of subjects has been sent in, but I feel like I need a bit of a break. The saga of the search for pain meds that actually help instead of hurting continues. I started a new pill on Thursday and right now I'm not sure if I'm having pain because of the med, or because I'm not taking enough of it yet, since I'm only on the introductory dose.
Anyway, if you want a wee peek at what is stewing here 'tis...
To Be Determined if it makes it to the loom in this format or?
Congratulations, seems your recovery is progressing. Pain management is a testy issue. I am so glad you are back at your loom and writing. AND thinking ahead… always good thing