
Saturday, February 8, 2025

Endings, Beginnings


Given it looks like one more day (two at the most) will finish the current warp, it is time to get serious about the next warp.

As usual, I'm making this sample warp do double duty so I want to utilize the threading in the way I need it to weave the samples for the article, but then to use what ever warp is left to do towels.

Originally I thought I would need 24 treadles, but as I watched the design take shape on the screen, it was clear I only needed 20.  The hems will be woven with one of the collection of treadles that weave just one set of four shafts as 3:1, and the rest as 1:3, meaning I lift the lowest number of shafts for most of the weaving.

I have been paging through Michelle Boyd's book Twist in an effort to try and figure out the results I have been getting and still feel like I'm wading through the bog.  It's not a craft I know well - told her the other day that I know just enough about spinning to be dangerous! - and with my brain on medical leave, trying to wrap what I have left functioning around the topic is tough sledding, as they say.

But I have solid results to show with proof that you can't just assume something will logically happen - these are threads, after all!  And of course it all depends on how they have been spun, how much latent energy they still have, the ratio of the twists in single and ply and how they will 'marry' in a yarn.

I had dragged my wheel out a few weeks ago, and promptly had an adverse reaction to one of the new pain pills I was 'testing' and had to drop the exercise finally because the muscle pain settled in my hands, most particularly my thumbs.  I couldn't spin so I finally put it away.  I was SO close to getting one bin emptied, but I couldn't face the last bobbin, in case I blew out the tendon in my right thumb - which my massage therapist warned me would take months to recover from.  Time I can't afford.  Isn't it Bonnie Raitt who sings about time becoming more precious the less of it you have?

Best approach was to reluctantly put the spinning away until I find a pain med that doesn't cause muscle pain while trying to provide relief from the nerve pain.  Sigh.  Spechul Snowflake.  Pharmacist told me yesterday that "most people can take one of the nerve blockers with no adverse effects".  Heh.

We are also dealing with an extended period of 'cold' weather, which doesn't do damaged bodies any favours!  OTOH, we have accumulated a decent snow pack and it isn't going away any time soon.  Not, at least, while the cold continues.  Given there is little need for me to  leave the house, I have been staying home, mostly.  I needed something on Friday, so after massage we went shopping to try and find the item.  It took a while, and then some time digging through the website looking for what we needed, but Doug found the item and went out today to buy it locally.

We have carefully considered what we buy, and where it originates, stocked up on some things in case the tariffs go on again next month.  Last year was an 'expensive' year as we replaced our furnace and had a heat pump installed (with natural gas back up because heat pumps don't work when it goes below around -20C) and then a hybrid vehicle.  We figure these will be the last we will ever need to invest in given our relative ages, so we might as well go a little bit more expensive and reduce our carbon footprint.

So, I'm looking forward to getting this warp off the loom and seeing if I can puzzle out the next one and solve some 'mysteries'.  If I don't actually 'solve' the mystery, I will have had some time on working it out as best I can...

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