
Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Quiet Days


Megado computer assisted dobby loom

The last few days have been 'quiet' days.  First I had to beam the warp, something I can do in a day, if I pace myself, and then thread it.  Also something I have to pace myself to accomplish.

Over the weekend, I listened to music, as I always do, and found myself wanting - needing - music that was gentle.  Quiet.  

Fortunately I have a rather (ahem) large selection of CDs I can play, but yesterday I settled for a compilation of Cat Stevens songs.  Most of them are from the 70s, a time when there was a movement towards 'peace and love' and people were hopeful that things would (could) get better.

It was a balm for my soul and a welcome change from the music I usually listen to when I'm weaving, which is a bit more, energetic?

I have woven mostly on a dobby loom, which I changed to a computer assisted dobby in the late 1990s.  I had already been using hearing protection, due to the rather loud clatter from the AVL fly shuttle mechanism, so nothing much changed when I got the computer assisted dobby and realized how loud the solenoids were.

When I exchanged the AVL for the Megado, I was a bit surprised that it was just as loud as the AVL.  Solenoids will 'bang' no what brand of loom you use, apparently.

In March of 2020 I finally got hearing aids.  When the audiologist tested my hearing, there was no doubt - a big chunk of my hearing had been damaged - all consistent with working in a noisy environment.  Even though I'd worn hearing protection while weaving, there were other mechanical devices that I'd run without the hearing protection, and after decades of that, here I am.

The world is restless right now.  It threatens to get very 'loud', and a lot of people everywhere are getting very concerned about what is going on, not just here, but pretty much everywhere.

If you find yourself overwhelmed at the chaos and uncertainty, pace yourself.  Take breaks where you can wallow in some quiet, and peace.  Something that brings calm to you.  Lets you breathe deeply.  Maybe put on some 'peaceful' music, whatever that means to you.  Rest.  What is happening is not going to be over any time soon.  We need to pace ourselves.  Spend some time in creative pursuits, if that is something you do.  Help someone else, even one person.  Write a letter (or email) and let your elected officials know your thoughts.  Be polite!  Remember that such things get read by workers first.  But be clear.

Today I will sley and maybe weave the first sample on this warp for the article.  I spent some time yesterday doing some math (shudder) and have a 'plan'.  Time to get to the loom and begin.  There will be more Cat Stevens (2nd disc!) while I sley and tie on, then figure out how many 2/16 threads to bundle for the weft.  Little by little, the bits of knowledge get observed, then crammed into my foundation of knowledge.

These 'interesting' times threaten to continue for the next while.  Stay strong.  Which means resting when you get tired.

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