
Monday, December 14, 2009

....and the winner is.....

There was so much more interest than anticipated that there are actually two winners! I used a random number generator (thanks to Janet D for that tip) so I didn't have to write out all the names and actually put them into a hat. :}

I am about to email the two winners to get their mailing addresses and since it's 12:30 in the am I hope to hear back by the time I get up in the morning so that I can pop them into the mail Monday afternoon.

Congratulations Margreet and Daryl.

And thank you to everyone who sent their best wishes.

(and if you still really want a t-shirt - this one and a couple others are available at


  1. I'm so excited! Thank you Laura! What a great thing to wake up to on this dreary Monday morning in the east.


  2. Laura,thank you for your generous gift! I cannot wait to show it :-)

