
Friday, December 11, 2009

Progress and an Announcement

towel showing hem area between towels and beginning of second

Got one tea towel woven this morning, and started on the second. It's hard to see the pattern, but the light stripes are threaded straight twill draw, the darker stripes point twill. I'm weaving point twill so the towel will have a nice texture with the little diamonds in the mostly dark green areas.

My "Announcement" is that it looks like I've got the Ashford dealership. No official word yet, but I understand the distributor is extremely busy filling back orders of the Joy spinning wheel, and with the holidays coming up I'm sure he's wanting to get all the orders filled before then.

However, I have been added to the email bulk mailing for dealers, so I'm taking that as acceptance of my application.

Since deciding to apply for the dealership Doug and I have talked a lot about what that means, and how this will affect our lives. Doug will be able to officially retire in about two years, and since he's happy to help me doing shows we are looking at expanding retail operations.

Until now I've mostly sold yarn that I either dye myself or get another dyer to do for me (mainly because I don't really like using fibre reactive dyes, and I don't have room here to set up a dye studio. I've been using the guild room because they have a stove and big laundry tubs and that works fine for acid dyeing.) Plus some commercially dyed solids to go with the hand dyed yarns.

If I'm going to become an Ashford dealer - Ashford are mainly famous for their spinning wheels - it makes sense to take on a fibre dealership, too. While Ashford has some fibres, there are other options. So I will be applying to take on another dealership that has fibres and commercially spun yarns which will also make it possible for me to expand my hand dyed yarn offerings.

The bad news in this decision is that adding all of this to my already crammed and cramped home based business is that I need some significant storage space. :( So my determination to reduce my current stash has just kicked into high gear and I will be weaving as much of my current inventory as I possibly can, given I have just 3 months to get ready for my first retail yarn show of the year.

Well, I've been wondering what direction to go with my weaving career - it looks like a path has dropped into my lap. :D

So in celebration of my new pathway and looking at a new year just round the corner I've decided to celebrate with a give-away.

I have a number of tee-shirts with "I (heart) weaving" logo on the front. They are Hanes brand 100% cotton, size XL. They don't shrink much (I have several I use as weaving shirts).

So if you'd like a chance to win a tee-shirt, make a comment to this post and I'll draw a name out of the hat. You've got until Monday as I'll draw a name Monday morning and hope to put the shirt into the mail that afternoon (if you give me your contact info in the form of name at server dot com as part of your comment I'll email you for a mailing address). Hopefully you'll get it in time for Christmas, but if not you should have it to celebrate the new year.

currently reading Shadow Man by James D. Doss


  1. I've been reading your blog quietly for several months now. I have loved seeing all of your projects. Congratulations on getting your dealership. That sounds like a very exciting business. Good luck getting ready for the retail show.

  2. don't forget to leave your email addy contact - especially if there are people with the same name!


  3. Congrats on the new dealership-I am a loyal consumer of all things Ashford so look forward to seeing that end of things with your posts. Thanks for the giveaway!
    thesewitall at hotmail dot com

  4. Congrats on your dealership!

    I'd love to have the t-shirt too!

    restless.knitter at gmail dawt com

  5. Congratulations on your new "career". It is amazing what happens when you put it out to the universe just what you want. The answer always seems to come your way!!!! It will be fun seeing you trying to get organized on where to put what, etc. It will all come together. You have the added plus that Doug can help you during shows, etc. I wish you every success in your new adventure.

    Weaverly yours ....... Barbara

  6. Congrats on your new path I hope you will enjoy the journey.


  7. Congratulations on all the new adventures on your horizon. It's going to be a fun adventure to watch from this side of the blog.
    davidtdaniels at gmail dot com

  8. Congratulations Laura! I love your blog and your enthusiasm for the craft. I'd love a shirt!

    Daryl Lancaster

  9. Oops, should have left my email.
    theweaver at weaversew DOT com

  10. That's so exciting! Good luck with everything, and I hope you still have time to weave some and post on this blog - I find it very interesting to get the point of view of a professional weaver (as I'm a hobby weaver myself).

    garnludd hotmail com

  11. I received my colour gamp kits the other day - they're great! Congratulations on the impending dealership. I love that Doug is on board with you and is such a good partner in your endeavours.

    I'd love a shirt too -

    debland at gmail dotty com

  12. Congratulations on the dealership - it seems like things come up serendipitously when you need them. Love a t-shirt if it works out.

  13. oh, forgot email so left a second comment.

  14. Congratulations, Laura
    Serendipity strikes again! You were preparing for this to fall in your lap, and I hope it goes well for you! I like your towels- very nice.
    gmail id is rosearbor


  15. Congratulations with the Ashford dealership!
    I really like to read your blog, always something to learn like hard-pressing the scarves, it made all the difference to my newest scarves.

    I'd love a shirt...
    m DOT ward at hccnet DOT nl

  16. Want to add my congratulations on the Ashford dealership. Proves that old axiom that if you want to get something done, ask a busy person to do it. Your output amazes me.

    Oh, and merry Christmas!

  17. I think you'll enjoy selling Ashford products. They are excellent quality, and very well designed.

    I'm thoroughly delighted with the 2nd hand Traveller spinning wheel I recently bought and have been buying all sorts of new bits and pieces to extend it's capabilities.

    Another valued treasure is my Ashford inkle loom ;)

    Fortunately everything flat packs, so hopefully the stock won't take up too much space.

    I hope this is the start of a successful enterprise for you and Doug.

  18. I would be delighted to wear a t shirt like that. Thanks for the great weaving content, I read your blog all the time. lafarrelly at lafarrelly dot com

  19. I love reading your blog!

    I would love the shirt!

  20. I find it very interesting that so many of us are finding new avenues for our fiber businesses. I wish you the best of luck with yours and with all that will take you in the future.

  21. OOh, look at all the quiet lurkers/readers coming out. Me too. I really like reading your blog, and now I will say I'd like a weaving T=shirt.
    Gail at

  22. Well, I read your stuff and I'm leaving a comment. I've never commented on someone else's blog, right out there in front of everybody... but hey, if I get a T-shirt, it'll be worth stepping outside my comfort zone, right?
    jandsquel at aol dot com.

  23. New paths are always fun for me. I wish you all the best in your new endevors. I love reading and learning from your expertise, thank you for sharing so willingly. Please, toss my name in the hat for the t-shirt. Elaine in TX.

  24. Wishing you and Doug the best of success in your new adventure! If I win a t-shirt does it mean that I have to actually put a warp on my loom? ;) Just in case, you know who I am and where to find me!


  25. Yay! You know how I love contests!

    What exciting news - about retailing yarns, Ashford products, the works! Congrats! Things very similar are afoot around here as well - so great to see that weaving and fibre and all things textile are flourishing all across the country. :)


  26. Hi , glad to see PG will (still) have a source for Ashford items after a mutual friend phases out

  27. Laura, you are an inspiration to me! Wonderful news about the Ashford dealership! What yarn retail show are you referring to? Best wishes in the New Year!

    Oh, I would love a shirt!


  28. Congratulations -- sounds like some exciting new adventures are in store. I'd love a weaving shirt; my email is cmt1708 at gmail dot com.

  29. Pick me! Pick me! I want a t-shirt.

    You will be a fabulous Ashford dealer. Here's to your future success in this endeavor!

  30. Congrats on the Ashford gig. I love my Ashford Joy and wish I had more time to spend with her. Oh, and I'd love a chance to win that shirt...just my size, too! :)

    judy (dot) fearn (at) charter (dot) net

  31. Hooray for the dealership! I was out of town for work (again - grr) and missed the fun but I would not have been one speck happier for you if I had gotten in on the contest. :-)

