
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Leaving Winter Behind - Again!

The drive down to Kelowna was pretty good once I finally left the snow gently falling behind. Stayed with friends, dropping the two computers off to be 'trained'.

Set off at 7 am this morning, braving the Coquihalla (mighty mean mountain road). There was some snow/slush/nastyness but only part way.

Got to Chilliwack where I easily found the address of the new home for the spinning wheel and loom and had a bit of a visit with the new owner. Took one of her spinning wheel hooks as part payment. :) If I could remember the vendor who is carrying them at Madrona, I'd mention it here but I don't. (Jude? Are you reading this?)

Generally the weather was good, the roads clear and I made it to Tacoma by 4 pm to register. Wandered the vendor hall eventually meeting up with my hostess. In the demo area we talked to a couple of people we knew and then one of them said she was on the way to crash Syne Mitchell and Selah Barling's class so Betty and I tagged along. :D Great fun to see some of the garments that had been made.

Afterwards Betty attended a meeting and I crashed that. It was great seeing the show and tell.

Now we've stayed up way late visiting but I'm headed for bed now. I was informed that I should get to the hotel by 8 am to make sure I get a parking spot. I also realized I crossed the border without any US cash so I should really find an ATM although so far everyone has taken a credit card.

At least I remembered my passport!

And Doug was dealing with 6" of fresh snow this morning. Poor boy. (Did that sound at all sincere????)


  1. Laura, It is Woodland Woolworks that sells my Hooks.

    Glad you got there safe & sound. Have Fun & keep us posted about Madrona. I so wish I was there.

  2. Envy!
    Both of the weavers' meeting and of the no winter scenery...

  3. I'm glad the weather gods at least tried to cooperate, so the journey wasn't too hellish. I well remember trying to drive anywhere in Montana winters (there's a reason I'm in California now)!
