
Friday, February 18, 2011

All Spun Out

It was a busy day, learning (and re-learning) some spinning techniques from Jacey Boggs.

When I learned how to spin many, many moons ago we learned a variety of techniques, one of which Jacey covered in depth today. Her method made good sense to me and I enjoyed it enough that I'm seriously thinking of getting a Joy with the jumbo bobbins and sliding 'hooks'. :)

You see, I've got about a bazillion yards of very fine wool that could easily be used as core yarn and I'm looking ahead to recuperation from surgery sometime soon. I won't be able to weave much, but I ought to be able to spin. :)

Having gone through the recovery period from my broken ankle a year ago, I know that I will need something to occupy my hands and my time!

The workshop was great for another reason - Janet (who I hadn't seen in person since 2003 or 4) and Syne were there so I had a chance to visit with them. Then for dinner Janet and her mom Sue, Janet's dh and Heather who was at JCC last month and I all got together for dinner.

So all in all it was a very satisfying although tiring day. :)

Tomorrow I'm going to stay at my friend's and do some handwork and chill. Then Sunday I'll go back to Madrona with Betty, we'll tour the vendor hall one more time, I'll talk to Selah about her doing some sewing for me, and pick up a loom from Syne. She's loaning me a rigid heddle loom on a stand - another recuperation toy - er, tool. :^)

Thank you to everyone who has commented on my crptic note a few days ago. Yes, I did get some health related news. I won't know details until more tests are done and I get a specific diagnosis.

Early diagnosis means that the outcome ought to be good although I expect I'll be having a bit of a challenge as we go through the process. Right now I have more questions than I have answers. I truly appreciate your comments and concerns.

1 comment:

  1. Well, as to recovery activities, that's when I rediscovered knitting. (-; Of course, you also have your pillow lace to do.
    I have gotten really into the sox thing (-; Nice thing about knitting a sock is that you can carry it around in your pocket or purse and drag it out during those unforgettable moments of, say, sitting in a doctor's office for hours (-;
    I visited a friend who has the old circular sock machines and saw a demo. Not impressed. The socks are ok, but lack "personality." They also lack the "snap" of a handknitted product. So back to SOMETHING that's the hobby!
    Anyway, hope you have an easy and CREATIVE convalescence after your surgery! I know you'll keep us posted.
    Have fun with the spinning! I just acquired a bunch of silk hankies that I discovered last Summer are very easy to spin from!
