
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Working or Playing?

One of the great things about having other creative friends is that you can draw inspiration from them. Betty has the following quote posted on her studio wall and I've always loved it. Thought it was time to share it with you:

Master in the Art of Living

As a master in the art of living
you draw no distinction between
your work and your play,
your labour and your leisure,
your mind and your body,
your education and your recreation,
your love and your religion.

You hardly know which is which.

You simply pursue your vision of
excellence through whatever you
are doing and leave it to others
to determine if you are working
or playing - to yourself
you are always doing both.

James Michener

Michener has captured in words what I have felt since before I started weaving. I knew I had to have some component of creativity in my life every day. When I'm not weaving I feel somewhat lost, a bit adrift, and feel a longing to feel fibres run through my fingers.

When your play is your work, and your work is your play, why would you want to do anything else?


  1. That is a great quote.

    I'm really clear - when I'm working for a paycheck, which I still have to do, I'm working. I say, and think, "I have to go to work tomorrow."

    I never say or think that when tomorrow is a day full of weaving.

  2. Thanks, Laura, for the quote. I borrowed it for my blog, because I really liked it (with credits, of course)!
