
Monday, April 11, 2011

All the Excitement

Some of you may have attended Convergence 2002 in Vancouver and saw the fabric I submitted to the Carnegie Yardage Exhibit that took second place.  (The juror was Junichi Arai of Japan.)

Eventually I found the above jacket pattern, and recently asked a tailor, Selah Barling, if she would be willing to sew the fabric up into a jacket for me.  She agreed with my choice of pattern, and last weekend one of the reasons I drove down to Seattle was to have a fitting of the muslin.  Selah then came to Syne's and worked like the proverbial beaver all evening getting the jacket sewn to the point where she could do a 'final' fitting and then complete the sewing after I left.

I didn't think to bring a swatch of the fabric with me, so you'll have to wait unitl the jacket is back before I can get a photo of the completed garment.

In the meantime, I've sent in an entry form to the ANWG conference in Salem, OR, so if you are attending that conference you may get to see it live and in person.   (No, I won't be there myself - ANWG is the same weekend at the conference I'll be teaching at in Quebec.)

The lecture at the Seattle Guild meeting was interesting.  Afterwards Selah and Syne took me shopping at Weaving Works and then over to Nancy's (on Queen Anne) which has the most luscious fabrics and notions.

Sunday I started for home intending to stay overnight somewhere along the way.  As usual this time of year, it was raining in the Lower Mainland and through the Fraser Canyon.  Unfortunately there was a largish rock in the road just south of Lytton and by the time I saw it, it was too late to safely swerve to avoid it given the wet road and, hoping for the best, I straddled it. 

Unfortunately it was too large and it wrecked havoc on the undercarriage of the van.  Needless to say it was nerve-wracking listening to all the banging and clanging as the rock bounced around under the van,  tearing the spare tire off it's mooring, which then joined in the gay abandon before shooting out from under the van and skidding across the road.  The barrier prevented the tire and wheel from going over the edge and I managed to safely stop the van and assess the damage, retrieving the spare tossing it into the back.

Heart in mouth, I started the engine again and carefully eased back out onto the road, heading north.

Ten minutes later the rain had stopped.

When I said I wanted some boring in my life, what part of that request did the universe not understand?
(whine, snivel)

We delivered the van to the dealer this morning.  Initial damage estimate is in excess of $1000.  But it could have been so much worse!  There could have been oncoming vehicles when the tire was skidding across the other lane of traffic.  The rock could have been much larger, disabling the vehicle entirely.

And my surgery is booked for tomorrow - I report to the hospital at 11:45.  The procedure itself will take about 15 minutes and then I'll spend a couple hours in recovery.  I'm going to request a spinal block so that I don't have to deal with general anesthetic.  But at last, the metal will be out!  And then I can deal with the latest health crisis beginning on Thursday when I get the word from the oncologist.


  1. Sorry to hear about the scary trip home! I hope the universe will pay attention and let you have your way - a little bit of boring for a while. Be sure to take it easy on that ankle.

  2. Hi Laura,
    The jacket is going to be beautiful - wow, I remember seeing your fabric. Was a scary trip for you; and I totally agree it could have been a lot worse. Good luck tomorrow with your surgery, getting the metal out of your ankle. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and Doug when you to to the Oncologist. One step at a time.
    Weaverly yours ......

  3. glad to hear that you're okay, and that the only damage was to your vehicle. sending good thoughts and prayers your way for your surgery and meeting with the oncologist.

  4. oh my! glad you made it back. That must have been terrible on that part of the highway too. Hope insurance pays for some of that damage seeing it was a boulder on the road!
    The jacket is going to be gorgeous and I remember the fabric from convergence and can't wait to see it made up.

  5. Sorry to hear about your mishap on the the way home. I just hate those smuching noises when in a accident.. of any kind. Glad you were not hurt & there was not a lot more damage & you were able to get home OK. That road is bad at the best of times.
    Good luck with your surgery tomorrow & your appointment with the oncologist Thursday. I Pray all will will go well with your treatments.
    Your Jacket is Gorgeous! I too remember your beautiful yardage at Convergence 2002. It is so wonderful that you got something so stunning made out of it.

  6. I'm so glad you weren't hurt! How frightening.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you this week and always, as you deal with your surgery and oncology treatment.

  7. Sometimes the universe takes perverse delight in telling us to slow down... Hope your surgery goes well, and that you're on your feet (literally) soon!

  8. I'm so glad you weren't hurt OR stranded! Best wishes for today's surgery going well, and hoping that Thursday's meeting will result in a plan that gets you feeling better soon.

  9. I wish you for the coming time a lot of strength and all the luck you need. I hope you will soon be sitting behind one of your looms so you can weave and forget all the trouble.
    My tea towels are almost done. Once I do, I will wash and paint them and take pictures to show you how they become

    Greetings Jolanda

  10. wowzers. definitely time to bring on the boring! Glad you're okay & no life damage done. I hear you about doing without the stress test tho! That suit jacket is going to look so great when its all done, can't wait to see the modeled pictures:)
