
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Road Trip

I finished off the green warp this afternoon and got the next one beamed, ready to thread.  This one is various shades of purples, some more red, some more blue, a little lavender, some of it even a reddish coppery shade.  They don't all show in this photo.  If you look really closely you can just see the green cloth still on the cloth storage roller at the bottom of the photo.  Click photo to biggify.

Tomorrow I leave on a road trip that is a bit of spring madness, and pretty much all for me.

The Seattle Weavers Guild has meetings on Saturdays a couple of times during the year and this month they are having a guest speaker who will talk about fibre characteristics - a topic I'm always intrigued with.  In addition someone in the Seattle area is sewing a jacket from the fabric that won second place at the yardage exhibit in Vancouver (Convergence 2002).  I'm finally getting that made up into a garment for myself and Selah will have the muslin ready for the first fitting.  Bless her, she will even sew all weekend and hopefully have the jacket ready for a final fitting before I leave.

And I'll be visiting with a friend and her family.  No business.  No teaching.  No sales.  Just for me.

With the surgery to remove the hardware from my ankle on Tuesday I'll have to leave Sunday afternoon and will try to get half way home before stopping for the night, arriving home Monday afternoon.  (It's about 600 miles.)  That will also give me time to photocopy the handouts for the guild program (A Good Yarn - yarn characteristics) that I'm doing Wednesday evening. 

If that goes well I'll even have time to thread the loom so that as soon as I feel up to weaving the warp will be ready to go.

Thursday Doug and I will meet with the oncologist.  And then we'll see what he has to say.


  1. As always, thinking of you and sending positive, happy thoughts your way... Have a good time in Seattle!

  2. That 'just for me' is something I don't hear you say often enough. Sounds like a full few days, and a good few days. Best to you.

  3. That´s the spirit, girl! Go, Laura! Go, Laura!

    Many kisses! Have a safe trip!

    Claudia Rizzi

  4. Heading out the door in a few minutes - just having a bit of coffee and a bite to eat.

    Wagon ho!

  5. What a perfect way to prepare for next week's events. Have a wonderful time filling up your "me" bucket with love, support and hugs. You'll be able to draw from it for a long time. And we'll keep refilling it, even from far away.
