
Monday, April 4, 2011

Operator Error

They say that stress impairs brain function.  Guess 'they' are right.

Took me about 14 inches of fighting with the cloth advance before I finally twigged I had it set up in the wrong configuration for what I wanted to do.  Once I got it set up correctly - piece of cake.

If the warp looks a little strange, it's because it is 30" in the reed in my 60" weaving width loom so I offset it 3" to the right in order to have the fly shuttle work properly.  The fly shuttle is air assisted and the toggles on the top of the box on the beater control the four fly boxes - a Douglas special.  :)

The other night I rummaged through 4 boxes of the same sort of yarn this warp is made of and put together enough yarn for at least 6 more warps.  I'm hoping that I won't start chemo right away so that I can weave as many of them off as possible - which will give me lots of fringe twisting to do during treatment.

I guess I'm proving a challenge as there is still no word from the oncologist.  I did have a meeting with my family doctor this morning and he assured me the oncologist is thorough so I'm sure he's just waiting on the test results.  And you can't hurry those - you just have to let them do what they have to do.

At any rate, the surgery to have the ankle hardware removed is scheduled for April 12 and while I expect to be a bit sore from that I don't need my left foot to weave on the AVL so I'll concentrate on weaving these shawl warps until the incision is healed.  And in so doing, I'll use up a whole lot of my stash.  Always A Good Thing!  :D


  1. Yes, stress causes mistakes. Isn't it interesting how things just don't work when there is a mistake, regardless of the kind? It just goes better when everything is set up right. :-)

  2. Hi Sharon, And when it is finally set up and things are going well? Lovely!

  3. You have alot of challenges all at the same time.

  4. Sometimes, when I'm stressed, I feel like my brain has completely left the building! What's hard to accept is that it is taking longer and longer to get it back... The warp looks lovely - can't wait to see the rest!

  5. Thinking good thoughts for you, Laura! Hope things improve significantly for you very soon. No fun to be stuck in limbo by the docs.

  6. The waiting isn't much fun, but at long last I'm getting answers. Don't much like them, but knowing what's going on is half the battle. And as I blogged previously, the only way through is forward. :)

  7. your courage is truly inspirational. hang in there!

  8. Not feeling particularly courageous. :( But someone posted somewhere that worrying is praying for what you *don't* want, so I'm trying very hard to not worry. Really all I'm waiting for right now is how the treatment will proceed - I'm just not a patient person! :^)

