
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Buckets O' Shawls

These buckets contain about 36 shawls.  There are more upstairs in the process of fringing, or in the laundry area where I wet finished three this morning, plus the 3 last warps to be woven.  The 3rd last is half done and the last two will go into the loom as soon as I can get them there.

At this point the piles of boxes/buckets have just shifted position, but as I get them finished - dry and wet - the shawls will go onto the storage shelves and I'll have cleared about 4 square feet of floor space in the studio.  4 x 4 x 6 to be exact.....

With the concentration of stash reduction that I've been on for the last few years there is even clear space in the storage area and we can actually walk in there without tripping over or barking our shins on stacked boxes.

I'd hoped to use up more of the 2/40 worsted wool, but you know what?  Yarn that fine goes on forever!  While I have made a dent in the box there is still a lot left and knowing how far it goes and not sure what to use it on next, I don't know when I'll be using the rest of it up.  However there is also room now on the shelves so the cones can probably go onto the shelves and one more 2 by 2 feet (or so) box can go away.

I have some ideas for using up the fine worsted but that will be a few months down the road as I try to catch up on the finishing and see how the chemo treatments go after the trip to Quebec.  I've still got the rest of the silk gimp shawl warps to weave up, too.  Those will go on the Leclerc Fanny.  If I'm going to start feeling worse, as everyone keeps telling me I will, weaving on the Fanny will be less physically taxing than weaving on the AVL.

Oh - and the shawls I wet finished this morning?  They had the singles exotics for weft and they tracked beautifully, just as I expected.  Nice when that happens!

Currently reading Tales of the Otherworld by Kelley Armstrong

1 comment:

  1. That's a lot of shawls! I'm glad you're slowly discovering space in your work room -- that has to feel good.
