
Monday, May 23, 2011

Makin' Tracks

As anticipated the shawls woven with the singles exotics have tracked beautifully.  The medium brown is a 100% alpaca, the white weft is a mohair, wool, angora blend.

The alpaca is much stiffer and hairier but after a good hard press feels quite nice.  The mohair/wool/angora has a lovely soft feel.

I'm really pleased with the results over all and hope the customers will be, too.

Now to finish fringe twisting allllllll the rest!  :^)


  1. Would you mind elaborating on what tracking is or looks like? Thanks.

  2. These shawls are actually woven in plain weave but during wet finishing diagonal lines form due to the twist energy in the yarns torquing. So the diagonals you see in these shawls are what are called 'tracking' and not a fancy twill. :)

  3. Rhonda from BaddeckMay 24, 2011 at 7:39 AM

    Oh, yeah. It's a beautiful pile of shawls, but if they all get twisted fringes ... that's a lot of twisting! Any chance of Doug being able to help? And I do like the tracking -- but I never knew what caused it. Does the fabric skew very much because of the twist energy?

  4. Doug does a lot of things * but fringe twisting isn't one of them. :) No the fabric doesn't skew - the torquing is so consistent that it just leaves these interesting lines in the cloth, doesn't affect the shape of the cloth at all.
    * Doug changed the master bath basin yesterday....

  5. Do you have any thoughts about fringe twisters? I've often thought about ordering one but
    wonder if they actually work well.

  6. Hi Judith, Doug made me a fringe twister which I like. Like any tool it depends on whether or not it 'fits' with your body and work habits. The ones Doug makes are simple hand crank things. I have a 'thing' about using battery operated stuff when it's not necessary and for me, it isn't. But I don't have carpal tunnel problems so again, it would depend on the person.

    I actually have 'spare' twisters right now for sale should you be interested. I can send a jpg so you can see what they look like - email me laura at laurafry dot com if you'd like details and a jpg.


    Here's the link for my You Tube video clip showing the fringe twister in action.....

