
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Unforeseen Circumstances

So now my worktable is acting as a surgical gurney.

The 10 minute fix has turned into several hours of loom downtime.  It's been a few years since one of the fly shuttle foot switches required repair and it took a lot longer to remove the switch from the protective housing under the loom than anticipated.  And then Doug got called away to work for a couple of hours. 

I'd gnash my teeth at the delay except that he promises that it should be functional again by around 2 pm which ought to still give me sufficient time to finish weaving both shawls today.  And if not, tomorrow for sure.

So I'll drag my suitcase out and start packing for Quebec, something that was on my job list for tomorrow.

I'm practising flexibility......


  1. It's always something, isn't it? Flexibility is the way to go, otherwise we'd be gnashing our teeth at every little setback, and then we'd have no teeth left :-)

  2. Have given up on fly shuttle. Last shawl it wasn't working - only throwing the shuttle 1/2 way across the race. :P~

    Back to hand throwing. :) Next warp will be hand shuttles anyway.

    And yes, I do need to preserve my teeth! :D


  3. Flexibility is good - although I know I'd feel odd if I was packed a whole day early! I'd need to leave SOMETHING for last-minute rushing around. Have a good trip!

  4. Oh I'm not nearly ready! Takes me about 3 days to sort and shuffle things around so I don't go over the luggage weight allowance. :}

