
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

One Step Forward

Now that the wool/bamboo/silk yarn is all used up, I've turned back to the silk gimp warps.

I dyed about 2/3's of them a few weeks ago so I've got lots of warps to weave - although there are still 10 left to be dyed (I think).  That will have to wait until later in June.

After mulling over the stash situation, the next warp on the AVL will be another red 2/20 mercerized cotton, this time with some of the singles 6 cotton for weft.  I'll likely put 30 yards on and play around with some twills based on an extended Wall of Troy over 16 shafts.  With this theading I can do fancy twills, lace, twill blocks, waffle weave and more likely.  But for tea towels twills, twill blocks and waffle weave will likely wind up my choices.

Doug has spent hours trying to track down why the fly shuttle picker is working poorly.  It has not failed catastrophically - it would likely be simpler if it had!  He's changed the O ring in the foot switich - the usual suspect.  Then he changed the piston.  He checked all the air lines to make sure none of them are crimped impeding air flow.  Next he'll try changing the solenoid, but he didn't have the correct one on hand and has to order it in.

I continue to load stuff into my suitcase - I'm choosing my 'wardrobe' (I use the term loosely - very loosely) and getting my personal stuff organized.  The teaching materials go in first and my clothing has to fit into what space is left. 

At least I don't have to bring everything for the Alberta leg of the trip.  Doug suggested I pack another bag and he'll load that into the van and bring it with him.  Which really helps a lot!

A friend came today and visited while I threaded and sleyed the shawl warp on the Leclerc Fanny.  After she left I wove it off and may dress the loom again after dinner.  I've still got one more day, after all.  :^)

Currently reading The Crime Machine by Giles Blunt

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