
Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Quiet Day

Spent a very quiet day yesterday, mostly in bed.  Today I'm feeling much improved, well enough to weave a bit, so I got this blue shawl woven.  The fell line looks a bit wierd because the knots are just about exactly lined up with the fell line - something I didn't notice until I went to load the picture here.  :}

The weft has a very slight varigation which I'm finding pleasing and should look good when the shawl is being worn, I think.

A friend has loaned me a book on nutrition for people going through this current adventure of mine.  There is at least one recipe that looks attractive - a blueberry smoothie.  If I'm feeling up to a Costco run tomorrow I'll buy some frozen blueberries and maple syrup and borrow a blender from my mom and see if I can make a nice treat for myself.

Feedback from those who have trodden this road before me indicates that good nutrition will be crucial and while I do eat as healthy a diet as possible given my myriad food allergies, I can't take my super duper nutritional supplements right now because they will interfere in the treatment.  So I am going to have to eat my way through the process.  :}

Good thing I like fruit and veggies that I can tolerate!  :D


  1. Laura, if you want to read more you might like to have a look at this Dutch site
    Hope all goes well

  2. Thanks Margreet - always love to read. I'm just going to start Finding Emily by Laurel Corona. Looking forward to it.

    ps - like your picture!
