
Monday, June 20, 2011

Round 3 and Finding Emilie

Round 3 has knocked the stuffing out of me, probably due to the good - and bad - stress of the trip - the infection, anti-biotics etc. - on top of all the rest of the stuff that goes with chemo.

Although I started to feel a bit better yesterday morning, by night I was punky and this morning phoned the doctor.  Thank goodness for a wonderful receptionist who fit me in and after a trip to the pharmacy, a lie down, a long afternoon of reading letting the meds kick in, I finally felt human again.  :}  Human enough to tackle the next warp by 5 pm.

I'd dressed the loom with another of the varigated silk gimp warps and did something I don't usually do - used a varigated weft on it.  The way the skein was dyed the varigation was 'random' - and between the length of the skein and the width of the warp, I figured that the colours would not pool unattractively.

I'm not entirely sure I like the results, but hopefully someone will.  To keep the colours in order I carefully preserved the bobbins in the order they were wound and wove them off that way, too.

I finally got a copy of Finding Emilie by Laurel Corona and spent much of the day reading about 18th century France society and mores.  While I'd learned about Emilie Chastelet in high school history, it was more a bit of titallation than information - her affair with Voltaire, her scientific brilliance.  Corona's story is not about Emilie but a fictional account about her last daughter born when Emilie was in her 40's, and how her daughter (who actually died as a toddler) discovers her mother's brilliance.  Through Lili's search to find Emilie, we discover her, too.

Laurel Corona includes details of life at the court of France - the intrigue, the negotiations for beneficial marriages, the role of women in that society.  I'm finding it quite fascinating.

And the good news?  I finished the streroids yesterday and ought to start feeling much better now.  My goal is to once again 'forget' I'm sick - until round 4.


  1. Laura, happy to hear that things are settling down on the chemo front - sounds like you have a great doctor and staff working with you. I am so happy that you are feeling better. The purple scarf is lovely - not something I am used to seeing you weave - interesting. Feel better dear lady.

  2. Thanks - still a bit punky - probably until I'm done the anti-biotics Thursday. :(

    The nice thing about weaving mostly for others is that I can explore colour combinations I wouldn't do for my own self. :)
    blessed with a great medical team

  3. I love the variegated on variegated look. I use it from time to time in my weaving and find that the colors always look better off of the loom--a serendipitous pattern arises! Hope you are feeling better soon!

  4. Hope you're feeling better soon--hang in there!

  5. Things will get better soon. I am not sure I like the results on your loom either, but someone will! You only need one buyer after all :)

  6. thanks for the heads up on the book. I just ordered it on my kindle. forgetfulness and normal stuff are good!
