
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Busy Week

Finally got to the loom today to throw the shuttle a little - it's the next Big Project sample:

close up below (with woven in cut line)

It's always fun to have a visiting weaver, especially one from a different culture.  While Kerstin and I have had these sorts of conversations before, there always seems to be a new aspect of 'culture' to explore and contrast.  And these discussions are good because I am forced to look at assumptions from a different point of view and question why they are what they are and how a different perspective might change how I look at weaving and textiles in general.  :)

Kerstin has also kindly helped with my hemming mountain and the bucket is almost done. A lot of talking can be done while sewing!

We have also got the final, confirmed, information about my mother's surgery and while some things did not work out as planned we had enough time to make alternate arrangements.  And bless the friend in Vancouver who will shepard mom to and from the hospital and look after her for 5 days or so when she gets out.  It also means that she will come home several days before I leave on my trip, so I will have the chance to make sure that she is settled into her apartment and the care that has been arranged for is actually working before I go.

And lastly, I had a question about To Market, To Market today:

"I think you have done a fantastic job putting 'To Market' together. I am really enjoying it.

I am writing requesting permission to print one copy for my own personal use. I like computers, etc., but would rather read it from a paper copy."

The answer is 'yes' - I had assumed that people would like to print out a copy for their own use - I know that I am still much more comfortable reading a lengthy document in print rather than at a computer screen. 

Currently reading  - well, just finished - Gun Games by Faye Kellerman and about to begin Flying Too High by Kerry Greenwood

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