
Saturday, February 11, 2012

And Even Busier

last of the hemming (for now) and my knitting at the bottom of the bucket....

One of the things that happened last week is that Kerstin helped with the hand hemming and you can see the pile of placemats and towels and baby 'blankets' that got hemmed, ready for pressing tomorrow.  There is just one towel and a bread cloth to be hemmed, which I can probably finish tonight while watching tv.

If I thought the early part of the week was busy, it got even busier as we received an offer on mom's house and there was much to-ing and fro-ing, meetings with the real estate agent, papers to sign, and so on and so forth.  But there is now a firm offer in place and whether or not the deal goes through will depend on the house inspection and if the buyer will be willing to deal with any repairs or upgrading that needs to be done.  And if he'll want to re-negotiate if the report is very negative.  Since it's a 60 year old house we know that some things need to be upgraded but while mom lived there - well, if it wasn't broke.....

Not to mention her surgical date got moved a day sooner which means that instead of leaving Tuesday she now has to leave on Sunday (tomorrow).  So there was a bit of a mad scramble to a) finish getting the house ready for sale and b) make her care arrangements.  Doug will finish the house today and set up her apartment with the aids she needs during recovery while she is away.  So all in all, good progress on the 'mom front'.  :)

As for weaving, I barely got to the loom although I did manage to weave a couple of yards one day while Kerstin watched The King's Speech.  This morning I managed another couple of yards.  Not quite half done yet, but perhaps before I leave for stretch class.  This is warp #5 for the Big Project and it's looking good on the loom. 

Warp #6 will go onto the AVL as soon as #5 is done - still have some final number crunching to tackle.  #6 will have fringe on all sides so I need to make sure that I've calculated correctly before beaming the warp because if I don't, it won't work out properly and will wind up being a rather costly mistake.  I could probably salvage it for some other purpose but I'm feeling the time crunch and don't want to 'waste' any time on mistakes that could have been prevented with some proper thought before I begin.

And of course there are two suitcases to fill for my trip...the end of February will be here very soon!


  1. Glad things are sorting out for your mom and hope all goes well. Sounds like you're having a good visit with Kerstin too!

  2. Mom is on the bus heading south, Kertsin is home, and I'm about to head to the annex to deal with pressing that stack of textiles.

    Things should be much quieter now until mom gets home. :)
