
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Seeing Progress

towels ready to tag and sell

There are many steps in the process of weaving and completing each one always feels like a milestone.  But there is nothing to compare to giving the cloth it's final press.  All that's left is to put the hang tag/care label on and these towels can be put away, ready for the next sales opportunity.

Today I took 3 buckets of cloth to the annex - 3 dozen place mats, 4 baby blankets, and I don't remember how many towels - probably close to 2 dozen.

Now that mom is on the bus and soon to be in the system, I can focus my energy on working on the Big Project and getting ready to leave on the 28th.  That's just barely two weeks away.  In addition to that I have medical appointments (getting old really takes a lot more maintenance!) and the #3 Rituxamab treatment the day before I leave.

I am soooo looking forward to going away, especially the week's 'holiday' I will have in the Seattle area on my return from NC/FL.

When I get home mom should be well on the road to recovery, the push will be on to finish the Big Project for the conference in Alberta in May, and then I really must get started on production for the fall.  In between I have clean up to do (unstaple the unused samples from Magic, recycle the paper and free up the storage containers for other things), fringe twisting of already made product, and think hard about teaching topics.  If I'm going to more actively seek opportuntities to teach I need to review my current topics and possibly develop new ones. 

All in all, it's looking like 2012 is going to continue to be busy......

Currently reading One Last Breath by Stephen Booth


  1. Well done Laura, the towels look wonderful - won't have those long in stock, once they get shown to the public. You seem to be keeping really busy. You Mom is in my prayers, I wish her well with her surgery. You have a heck of a schedule ahead of you - I trust all goes well. Weaverly yours .... Barbara

  2. LOOOOVE those colors and patterns. They're beautiful.

    Hurray for the rain of good news (at last). That's great about the offer on your mom's house, and that her surgery was moved earlier - even though it made for a hectic time. It's nice that both will get underway before your trip. Sending prayers for a good outcome on your mom's surgery.

  3. Thanks - it's out of my hands now - today she does the pre-op stuff, then has Tuesday as a 'rest' day before surgery on Wed. I'll phone her friend Wed. evening for an update. And we'll know about the house by Friday.
