
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Common Sense

Heard a great quote at the Seattle Weavers Guild meeting today - to paraphrase - in order to have common sense you have to have experience.

Wow.  I hadn't thought about it from that perspective before, but it's true.  If you don't have experience to draw upon, how can you know what is possible and what makes sense to pursue?  No wonder 'common' sense is so uncommon!

The sun has broken through the cloud cover and it's turning into a truly lovely day.  I had a great time in Seattle seeing people I haven't seen for a year in some cases, more in others.  I dropped off the large box of surplus samples from Magic which will be sold as a fund raiser for their library.  Saw an interesting slide show by Linda Hartshorn about dyeing with natural dyes, then came back here to watch (for me the 3rd time) the Weaving episode of the BBC series Mastercrafts.

I still marvel at the progress of the 3 students in just 6 weeks.

Tomorrow morning I will load up the van and start trending northwards.  Not sure yet if I will actually head home Saturday or Sunday - it will depend on my hostess and how much time she has for a visit - but driving should be good either day so I hope to get home in one day and not have to spend money on a motel room. 

I think I'll go back to reading All Wound Up by the Yarn Harlot, Stephanie Pearl McPhee.  So far I've LOL'd more times than I can count.  Love her - at times - sarcastic observations.....


  1. Safe trip home! I'm glad you've made it this far towards home, but I know there's a ways to go still. Take it easy and slow.

  2. I'm not at all anxious to get home and join the drama. OTOH, some things are reaching resolution. And Doug's 65th bd is coming up so I want to be home for that (although he's working til 9 that day so I'm not sure what, if anything, we'll do to celebrate!) :)

