
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Still Winter

my backyard, March 25, 2012

After nearly a month away I was really hoping hard that spring would have arrived by the time I got home.  Not as such.

It was a great trip.  Lots of enthusiastic weavers who jumped right in and explored new frontiers and shared their experiences.  I got to see my first geckos in real life and heard the manatees (they only came out after dark so we didn't see them).  There were mangroves to see as well as other exotic plants and flowers.  In Chapel Hill we went to the botanical garden and in Asheville to the Southern Highlands Craft Guild shop.

The Folk School was great - lots of song birds although the foliage wasn't quite ready to pop.  On the drive from Brasstown to Asheville we were entertained by an amazing thunder/lightning storm - fireworks just for us.  :)

While in the Seattle area I met more new spinners and weavers, then went to visit with Syne Mitchell who took me to a roller derby event.  (She even has the photographic evidence - I brought my knitting!)

And now I'm home.  Started wading through the paperwork piled on the table and will go to town tomorrow to pay bills and visit with mom.  I bought some jigsaw puzzles and will let her build them first because I have no time and a dining table heaped with paperwork - house sale, income tax, and other stuff I haven't unearthed yet.  It's the only thing that isn't nice about going away for so long - the paperwork still needs to get done.

I left a warp on the loom so if I can manage to get to the studio, I'll at least have something to weave on right away.  :)  And then I have to decide what to put onto the small loom next.  I'm thinking I'd better start making more scarves - I really don't have nearly enough for the fall sales, which will be upon us all too soon.  One of the envelopes on the table is the paperwork for one of the shows in November and next month I have to submit the paperwork for one of the local shows. 

It never really ends.....  :)


  1. Glad you're home safe and that you had a fun and productive time! I'm so envious of the manatees. I love them so much but have never seen or heard one. T did bring me home a t-shirt with a mom and baby on it when he went to Florida though. That's the closest I've gotten.

    Don't worry. Spring is coming to the great white north! It just has to make it's way up there from here. ;)

  2. Our last snow-drift:

    (about a month earlier that last year)

    Holding a thumb...
