
Monday, March 26, 2012

A Touch of Spring

I had completely forgotten I'd wound this warp before I left - what a lovely surprise when I finally made it into the studio just before dinner.

Too tired to do much of anything, I've been wading through paperwork (still have income tax papers to do), watching taped tv and knitting.  However I did finally manage to empty my suitcase (although not put all of the contents away - yet) so I'm hoping that I can get my work table cleared off tomorrow and start dressing the small loom with this very pretty warp.  :)  And think about a new scarf series - I have very little inventory left of scarves so I really need to come up with something new for the fall sales.  Speaking of which, the papers came through for one of the major shows I do in November - which means that I have to write out post dated cheques to cover the booth rental.  Never seems to stop....

Mom has a meeting with one of her management team members tomorrow morning so I'll sit in on that with her and find out more about the rent subsidy program.  I'm keeping fingers crossed mom qualifies as that will make her life a whole lot more comfortable if she can get it.

The house sale should close on the 28th and that will help her, too.  :)  She will see her doctor next week for a post surgical assessment and they will decide if she's ready to go back onto the list for knee replacement surgery.  She's done so amazingly well recovering from this surgery - it's really been a huge relief for everyone.  :)

I'm finding myself dragging still, in spite of a good night's sleep.  Finding this lovely spring-like warp has made me anxious to get it onto the small loom - maybe even start weaving by tomorrow night.  Or perhaps not - Tuesday evenings are guild drop in so I might just head on over there with my hemming.  There's always the next day although I'll be spending some time with the naturopath discussing a treatment plan for my nutritional deficiencies.  I'm determined to get really and truly healthy!

Currently reading Fundraising the Dead by Sheila Connolly


  1. Hi Laura,
    What beautiful colors in your warp - sure does remind one of spring. As I look out the window at a snow storm, very high winds - most of the Island is shut down. You will get back into the swing of things ... so much to do at the end of a month long trip. Glad to read your Mom is doing so well after her surgery.
    Weaverly yours ... Barbara

  2. More sleep - you've been pushing yourself for a month, and even though you had some R&R along the way, it's not the same as home. AND you hit the ground running when you arrived. Give yourself a few days of sleeping in your own bed and among your own surroundings to recover. Glad to hear such good news about your mom!

  3. That will be a very spring-like warp, and hopefully it will encourage the season outdoors to comply.
