
Monday, April 30, 2012


I decided to stop dyeing yarn to re-sell - after I'd bought a bunch more yarn in order to dye.  What with all the kafuffle with mom's surgeries, it took a while to get the yarn skeined but I finally got it done over the weekend, soaked the yarn out and spent the better part of 4 hours at the guild room getting this last dyeing done.

While there are still some things that need to be dyed, I have little dribs and drabs of dyes which will do for those small batches.  I have a customer interested in the bulk dyes and I'm hoping she takes all of it.  There's no point my hanging onto it when someone else could get good use out of it.

Today I guess I was mostly in a blue/green mood although there is a little purple in there, too.  If the yarn doesn't sell, it will make nice shawls.  It's BFL and feels quite nice.  I have one skein for sampling with and thought I'd knit a small bag and full it to see how well it fulls.  There is so much non-fulling wool available now people are interested in yarns that they can either knit up or weave and full.  The question is, will I have time before the Alberta conference?

Well I've got lots of taped tv still to catch up on so once the hemming is done, it sounds like knitting will be in order.  :)


  1. Lovely range of colors - very seaside. They will indeed make beautiful shawls if the yarn doesn't sell first.

  2. Thanks Sandra - now I've got to get back to the looms! :)


  3. Claudia SpauldingMay 4, 2012 at 11:40 AM

    Laura, you make the dyeing seem so effortless. Can you write about your personal "dye day?" Do you do immersion dyeing? lots of gradations?? how much dye solutions do you mix up? do you soak everything in synthrapol and a dye activator?

    I always enjoy reading your blog. You are an inspiration. Not sure how you do it all -- take care of yourself, your family, and still find time to weave and read!

