
Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Sometimes new weavers get concerned because the last pick they weave doesn't sit at the same distance as the picks below it.  They worry that they are doing something wrong, or that their beating is uneven. They beat a second, third and sometimes fourth time, getting frustrated because it's still not 'right'.  Sometimes they start weaving with a double beat rhythm, once on the open shed, once again on the closed shed just so that it looks right.

The fact is that the last pick will always sit a little 'proud' from the picks below it.  The next pick woven will press the pick into proper alignment.  There is no need to double beat on an 'ordinary' cloth like the above.

There are times when it may be necessary to double beat.  Weave structures like rep weave may require a second beat.  Weft faced rug weaves.  A fairly dense thick linen. 

But generally, for 'ordinary' weaving, the next pick will set the last pick into proper alignment.  You just have to have a little faith and remember that if you can't be perfect, be consistent.


  1. Thank you so much for this post. I am a brand new weaver and am still working on my first sampler. I have been looking at my weaving and wondering what I am doing wrong - there are all kinds of things going on.

    This makes great sense to me, thanks again :o)

  2. Glad it helped - previous posts might have more info for you. If you have specific questions feel free to email me. :)


  3. I loved reading this since I feel I'll always be a new weaver. I noticed that oddity in my towels and have seen it settle down, but really didn't know why.

  4. I've noticed that this effect is much more pronounced in the Theo Moorman weaving I've been doing: my tie-down warp is metallic and it seems to want to "bounce" the weft back out again until the next pick is in place!

  5. Still threads will show this more than limp ones. :) Your cloth looks lovely, Cally.

  6. That should be *stiff* threads....
