
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Happy Place

With molehills masquerading as mountains this week, the hurdles I encountered as I set to work this morning turned into complete roadblocks and instead of doing something productive on A Good Yarn, I went to my 'happy place' and wove a scarf.

Thankfully I'd dressed the loom last night including winding the bobbins so all I had to do was put my weaving shoes on and I was ready to go.

The colours of the yarn are actually a little more intense than shows on my screen and over all I'm quite pleased with the way this warp is turning out.  There are quite a few cones of this blue/pink soy protein so I'll wind up with maybe a dozen scarves (or more) in this colour range.  Since the yarn was dyed in a random variegation no two skeins are exactly alike although the general public won't really notice that much of a difference between them.

I have several different possible wefts so there will be some variation.

This line of scarves is a 'win' situation for me.  I imported the yarn from China, dyed it and schlepped it around western Canada for the last few years trying to sell it.  What's left is enough to do a good selection of scarves; when I'm done weaving it my stash will be that much less and I'll have decent inventory for the coming sales this fall.

Now to hope customers like them enough to buy!

As for A Good Yarn, I did get a load of samples into the washing machine, am about to transfer that to the dryer and put the next lot in.  While that's happening I'll sew some more samples and/or staple.  I did actually get some work done on the text earlier - found a few typos and some areas that needed clarification.

The weather is supposed to continue wet and cool so pressing the samples tomorrow should not be too bad.  OTOH, I'd sure like to see some sun this summer....


  1. I LOVE the colors in this warp. And the fact that the yarn you tried to sell will now turn into gorgeous scarves - which I am CERTAIN your customers will love!

  2. Thanks Peg. I had over 200 pounds and the 20 or so pounds that are left will give me enough scarves to fill the booth at the shows. :) The soy protein makes a nice drapeable cloth, perfect for scarves. :)


  3. These colors are gorgeous! Look forward to seeing the scarves.

  4. So how long a warp will you beam at once? I"m curious as to your methods.

  5. My warping board can do 11 meters. If I had a large mill I could do longer lengths. My AVL has a sectional beam so generally I put my longer warps on that loom and shorter ones on the Leclerc.
