
Tuesday, July 3, 2012


It's beginning to look a whole lot like!

This weekend I finished wet finishing the last 3 samples, cut them apart, continued stapling (50 each to begin) and finalized the project notes.  This afternoon I printed out the pages, popped them into protective pockets and assembled what there is - so far.  And look!  It's a book!  Nearly.

Today I had all sorts of plans to jump on the writing of the fibre characteristics but two things happened.  Well, one didn't happen, more to the point.  I'm still waiting on an email from a supplier with details (if they know them and will share them) of how their yarns are spun.  I can speculate but it would be much better to have the actual information.

The second thing that happened is that cousins I have not seen in at least 10 years came through town and we (mom and I) met them for lunch.  It was great to talk to them, especially Nancy as she shared that she is learning how to weave (yay!  one more for the warped side!).

Afterwards I had to run around town and take care of some critical business and by the time I got home there was no more go in my get-up-and so I wound up having a snack and nostly played Mahjongg on the computer.

Now the afternoon is about gone and I think I'm going to go weave a scarf, finishing off that blue/pink warp and leave the writing for tomorrow.

Currently reading After the Ice by Steven Mithen - not sure I've got the time to finish this fairly lengthy look at history (500 pages) since the last great ice event - as much as I try to stay in the present moment there are a lot of details regarding future events - contracts for teaching in '13, finishing my own 'book', getting ready for the fall sales and the arrival of a private student at the end of this month....and only so much energy and time in the day....

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