
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Here We Go Round Again

Assembly, Part II.  And Done!  All that is left now is to haul everything back down the stairs and over to the annex for storage.

The guild room was somewhat cooler given the t-storm that rattled the rafters and the rain last night, but not by much.  Although I should not complain - it was 'only' 80F up there.  :}  It could have been far worse.

Worked on two more teaching contracts and will be sending those off today (email) and tomorrow (snail mail).  I think there is still one more group to finish workshop details for February, one group for March and then.....well, then there is May.

I'm seriously thinking of going to visit my friend Kerstin in Sweden and she's suggested a side trip to London.  So I have been toying with the idea of trying to find some guild program or seminar bookings while there.  But so far I've not done too much about it.  As an introvert it is very difficult for me to do what are called 'cold calls' - that is contact someone out of the blue* and ask if they want to hire me.  So if anyone in the UK knows of a group that might want to book me for a presentation.....? I can do Magic in the Water, A Good Yarn, The Efficient Weaver or talk about selling hand wovens although that may not be applicable in the UK as I'm not familiar with their sales culture.  :}  I can talk about being a professional/production weaver for 35+ years if anyone is interested in that, though..

As for A Good Yarn:  Cotton, it is now listed in my Art Fire Store.  Prices there are in US dollars.  If you are Canadian, contact me directly and I can send a Paypal invoice in Canadian dollars.  Since the currencies are pretty close to par at the minute the price is the same but you get to use your own currency which makes things a little easier?

And yes I can send across the pond.  Contact me for shipping details.

Now it is time for lunch, finishing off those contracts, dressing the loom with the next warp and so on.

*Someone once asked me how I decided where to teach.  I told her I go where I'm invited.  :)


  1. Laura, I suggest contacting Wendy Morris at The Handweavers Studio in London.

    Hope this helps!

  2. Thanks Amy - I have been in touch and she's passed my name along to the London guild. :)
