
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Tackling the Queue

Today I finished stapling the last of the samples and hope to get up to the guild room early enough tomorrow before the room is set to 'bake'.  It rained tonight so that should have cooled things off somewhat.

In addition to that I've been tackling the paperwork on my desk, finished weaving the current scarf warp and wound more warps.  There are several more to wind and then, of course, they have to be woven.  All before my student arrives, with any luck, because I need to dress the small loom with a tea towel warp for her to begin with.

In the background of the photo you can see the spool rack with the next tea towel warp ready to go onto the AVL.  After noticing the rent in my office curtains, I realized that the warp ready to be beamed on the AVL would work for curtain fabric so I'll put an extra long warp on, weave off the yardage for the curtains, using up some very fine soy protein fibre yarn I've had kicking around the studio for far too long, and then switch over to tea towels.  I doubt I'll use up the soy protein, but the curtain fabric will make a small dent in it, at the very least.

One of my goals with the current run of scarves is to use up stash - the thick (approx. 5/2 size) soy protein that I dyed several years ago, but also bits and pieces of other yarn in my stash for weft.  In this I can say I have already had some success as I've used up a couple of skeins of hand dyed 10/2 Tencel I'd had dyed especially for me.  I think there are half a dozen of the skeins left which I hope to use up sometime soon on another run of scarves.  But that will be in the future as I doubt I'll get much more done than these scarves and the tea towels before I start traveling again.

What I will feel inspired to work on when I get back from WA and TX in September, I'm not sure, but no doubt I'll take another stab at stash reduction.

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