
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Bridled Optimism

corrected bookmark and some small progress

Reality hit me upside the head this afternoon.  I'm down to the last half yard for the rayon sample and I started thinking about what I needed to do before I leave - on this coming Thursday.  Which means I have just 3 days left to get ready, a dr appointment Monday, a 'luncheon' on Tuesday, maybe guild room Tuesday evening.

I don't even want to make a list of what yet needs to be done.  I feel paralysis will set in if I see it in writing!

Essentially I've decided that the Part II Power Point presentation will stand as is so that only needs to be burned to a cd.  I ought to check in with the host to make sure that they will provide a computer/projector. My laptop is so old it probably won't have the proper connections.

Right now I'm just taking a quick break because I've been weaving for over 45 minutes and my body is telling me it is time for a short rest before I plough on through the rest of this warp.

Tomorrow I will beam and thread the next sample so I can free up the Purrington Angel Wings and then pack all my favourite tools, including my weaving slippers (ballet).

Maps have been printed off, my plane ticket and passport along with the US currency I have on hand is ready.

Inventory etc., for the show in Quesnel still has to be packed.  Samples and copies of A Good Yarn: Cotton have yet to be gathered up and some tea towels for hostess gifts.  I have some 'books' (short stories, novellas - only free stuff, I'm too cheap to buy books if I can get free ones) loaded onto my iPad, plus a stack of paperbacks.  My work basket with stuff for the demo and general handwork to stave off boredom.

If I stay on task, I believe (I think I can, I think I can) get everything done by departure time Thursday.  I need to roll out of the driveway by 8 am at the latest.  Should be back by Tuesday the 25th or Wednesday the 26th depending on traffic and when I can pick my stuff up in Quesnel on the way home again.

Oh ya - still have to pack my clothing etc.....  :}

1 comment:

  1. You'll be fine. Just take a few deep breaths, and tackle the elephant one bite at a time.
