
Monday, September 10, 2012


Got a couple of parcels in the mail today - one the small order from Brassard with the new rayon yarn for a potential (IF I can wedge them into the schedule) new line of scarves - the other from my July student.

I had moaned about not being able to find paper tape measures and she said she had some and would be willing to share.  :)  What I didn't expect was the sweet pair of scissors!  They will live on my coffee table to be used and enjoyed when I do my hand hemming.   :)

The other thing that happened today that I totally didn't expect was to get an email from a potential client I'd sent some sample to, with an offer to work with me to design fabric for one of their line of products.  Egad - now to re-think my plans for when I get home!  AGY:Rayon may have to get set onto the back burner until the new year.

With Doug retiring, having a wholesale account for yardage would really help ease the financial burden, especially since the production/delivery/payment would be primarily during my 'down' time - that bleak income period from the end of December until - well, when ever I need to start production for the fall sales.

It would be a lot of work but if Doug is willing, as he says he is, to do more of the studio assist type of tasks, then it might possibly work out.

Of course nothing is set in stone - they may get the sample yardage and decide it isn't going to work for them after all.  But at least it is an opening window as the door on Doug's regular income closes.  :}

Nothing like ratcheting up the panic mode a little bit higher!  It's exciting and scary all at once....

And last, but not least, I got an email today asking if I had a higher resolution photo of one of the fabrics I've posted to my blog for possible inclusion in a book.  I have to dig my brother's camera out and see if I can get a good enough image.  No mention of payment, but still - nice to be asked!  :)


  1. What a lovely bouquet of happy things you received today! Getting all that positive feedback is finally some return 'karma' for all the good you've put out there. It's a wonderful thing! We can wait for AGY:Rayon if it means you're working on a steady-income project. Go for it!

  2. Lots of good things in the works! That yardage account would be good dependable income - fingers crossed for you!

  3. Laura, how lovely to have so many wonderful things happen all in one day! Huzzah! I am excited about your yardage contract, that is a wonderful development for you.

  4. When I want a higher resolution photo (the camera takes 72 dpi) I open it in Photoshop Elements and "resize" to 300 dpi. Change the pixels at the same time to match what they were at 72 dpi and save as a .tif. Learned this from a professional photographer who taught some classes locally.
    300 dpi is usually what is wanted as high resolution for publication.
