
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 2

With just three days for the workshop I asked people to bring their loom already dressed so the first day we concentrated on posture and position and everyone wove on the warp they brought.

Today I demo'd how I dress the loom.  Several people finished weaving yesterday or this morning so they are now dressing their looms while the rest finish weaving.

The weather has been lovely, sunny but not oven hot.  The shop hosting the workshop is called WC Mercantile.  Stephanie has been a most gracious hostess and the shop has lots of temptations.

I bought some fine alpaca/milk fibre blended yarn which I will sample once I am home.  The combination intrigues me and I want to see how it weaves up and the results after wet finishing.

Curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back.  :^)


  1. You are in Navasota, Texas???!?!?!!?!?! That's very close to where I grew up and even closer to where I went to university. Awesome! Hope you enjoy the Central Texas vibe. :-)

  2. Hi Sharon, Yes, I was in TX. :) Back in Seattle now. They have invited me back for next year. :)
