
Monday, September 24, 2012

Looking Northward

This morning I packed up my stock from the Fair, brought it back to my friend's house, re-inventoried with the tags for the Seattle guild sale, packed everything up ready for October, packed my bags/van and I'm ready to head north tomorrow morning.

I doubt I'll get all the way home as I have to stop in Quesnel to pick up my stuff there so I'll likely stay overnight in Williams Lake as it will be getting dark by the time I get there - probably.  It's a long way and days are getting shorter 'up north'.

The trip to Texas was great, the people delightful.  They have asked if I will go back, so stay tuned as details are figured out. 

Recently I went and looked at my website from the public side (instead of from the publishing end of things) and realized I could do a whole lot better in terms of the information I provide on my Schedule page.  So I will work on that when I get home - as time permits.

My plate is very full with appointments, committments, volunteer obligations and possible articles to sample for and write - not to mention, oh yes, the weaving - and all of that before the craft fairs actually begin mid-October.  :}

Talking with another cancer (I am not fond of the term 'surviver' but can't come up with a better 'label') I realized that the greatest gift that the Big C experience has given me is renewed dedication in terms of living my life to the fullest.  We only get one life to live (if you believe in re-incarnation, you still only get one life at a time!) so we have to make the most of our opportunities, deal with any challenges that come our way (because believe me, at some point some is going to be served in everyone's life!), focus on the positive, minimize the negative and look forward to the coming day with joy and delight whatever it may hold.

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