
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day Four

Still haven't figured out how to get photos from my iPad onto the blog, so no pictures.

The group is small but enthusiastic.  Lots of questions, lots of talking, exploring options.

I haven't done much weaving as I field questions, keep a loose eye on everyone and dress looms for the weekend.  I think I brought 10 warps; so far I've got three into looms, ready to weave.   Started the fourth this morning, but between meeting with Pam and a group lecture, I didn't get very far.

Fortunately Cindy is staying for the weekend and will help dress looms, like she helped to wind them last Saturday.

The weather has been mostly pleasant, although a tad chilly.  It's not snowing, and that's all the matters - that I have successfully escaped winter for a bit.  We were having such a dreary winter at home, I wanted to see some sun.  Or at least less snow. :-/

Next year Pam and I agreed on a different time of year so I will be coming down in June.  More details as they get hammered out.

I am looking forward to seeing the countryside during the growing season. :)

As for reading I have finished a couple of books.  One was Already Dead by Stephen Booth, the other Kalidescope by Gail Bowen.  Started Arthur and George by Julian Barnes (I think - book is in my dorm room)


  1. Re photos: go to iTunes and search for "blogger app." I'm sure you'll find several - when I looked for one to load on my Android tablet, there were at least 50!

  2. Re photos: go to iTunes and search for "blogger app." I'm sure you'll find several - when I looked for one to load on my Android tablet, there were at least 50!
