
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

End, Day Two

Day two is winding down.  There have been ah-ha moments, some frustrations, some break throughs.

Learning is a process of laying down layers of knowledge to create a solid foundation which allows more learning.

Weaving is not difficult.  It IS complex.  In order to learn a student would do well to remember the maxim, use it or lose it.  Setting aside 15 minutes every day to do something related to your craft will reap rewards.  Trying to do it in marathon sessions months apart means constantly wallowing at the shallow end of the learning curve.

Learning a new skill takes mindful practice, regularly.

On a related note, I may be back at the folk school next year.  Stay tuned. 


  1. Folk School sounds like a wonderful place for you to be right now, nice change from BC.

  2. I am so glad to hear you will be back at the Folk School next year. Maybe I can make that class! I'll keep my eyes and ears open for the class.
    Have fun with your class!

  3. Will let people know when and what topic. So happy to have no snow for a bit. :)
