
Friday, February 14, 2014


I pulled this combination of yarns before I left in January and am still undecided about whether or not I really like them.  The spools are 2/16 cotton, the orange cone is 2/20 merc. cotton from Lynn's stash.  I keep going back to see if they sit any better than they did the time before.  I guess the only thing left is to just jump in, beam the warp and start weaving with the orange to see if it gels or not.

If not, I do have a back up plan.  There are still several cones of the 2/18 Fox Fibre Color Grown naturals, both in brown and pale green.  I've used that combination before and the results were fine.

The AVL needs to have a warp put on it.  I'm nearly done with the run of towels using the variegated cotton flake.  After the rose warp, there is one more large blue (purple/green) and a fairly large red (green/navy) and once those are woven, I will be starting on the Big Project samples, for which I will mostly be using the 4 shaft Leclerc.  Having a nice long towel warp on the AVL will give me a palate cleanser should I need a break from thinking about and weaving the samples.  And it's all got to be woven at some point anyway, so....

Now to find out when/if Doug has time to wind the warp for me.  :)


  1. Your plan sounds ambitious and yet within the parameters I think I have seen you accomplish. I am inspired by your weaving; thank you for sharing.

  2. Thanks Lynda. I pulled the green spools out of the bucket, replacing them with natural. Decided to make the colours 'random' not ordered stripes, and cross them with the orange. If it looks dreadful, I'll use the naturally coloured Fox Fibre yarn for weft instead. It all needs to be used at some point, anyway. :)
