
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Snow Day

In spite of a prediction of snow again today, the skies cleared and the sun was brilliant.  But look how much snow we have!  You can't even see the top of the pile in front of our house as both Doug and our neighbour to the north struggle to keep our driveways clear.  Yes, the truck is a 'small' one, not full sized, but still!

As far as weaving goes, I am making pretty good headway.  The blue of this warp is slightly darker than the photo shows, but I think it looks pretty good.  Once this warp is done I'll do another towel warp of this design but in rose.  Not sure if I will do more - I might do one last warp with a dark royal blue as the first warp in that colour was pretty short and I only have a few towels of that colour to put into inventory.  Plus I've got another large cone of the blue/purple/green variegated cotton flake.  So I may just close out the series with another dark blue.

Once these towels are done I will begin on the sample warps for the Big Project.  It is going to take some thinking to make sure I cover all the bases with the samples and I want to weave 'extra' in case of oopsies.  I also don't want to be doing all of this prep work days before the deadline!  So it is time to get cracking on that.  At the rate I'm going it will likely be next week - if I can keep my momentum going.


  1. I think the dark blue weft would be pretty. My favorites (of mine) are the blue ones I made at Folk School. I brought a warp of variegated blue, but forgot weft. Bought some from the school and it was perfect! Since I was just learning how to 'weave fast,' there are some mistakes, so I got to keep all of them. Win-win! P.S. I find the numerals easier to decipher than the alpha verification (below).

  2. I'm liking the numbers better than the distorted letters, too.

  3. And all we have is rain, rain and snow/rain... I don't mind if you send some of that snow over here. It's supposed to be winter here right now. Looks more like November :-(
