
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Post Splat

After my pratfall yesterday I decided to take it easy today.  I tried weaving, but realized one session at the loom was going to be plenty.   Apart from that and winding another sample warp, I spent way too much time messing on the Internet.  But if, as a self employed person, every day is a potential workday, likewise every day is a potential day off.  And as a self employed person, I can decide to take a weekday off.   I don't even have to phone in sick!  ;)

Hopefully tomorrow I can do a little bit more, but I am going to take it slowly...


  1. Falling is no fun and the hurting can take a few days to hit, it seems. You're doing the right thing taking it easy.

  2. Listen to your body, rest well and hope you will feel better quickly. Take care.

  3. What a lovely scarf! Mohair boucle? Not like what I usually see on your site.

    Try a hot bath & rest for another day.

  4. Yes, mohair boucle. I need it for the big project. :)
