
Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Doug has been working steadily getting large mill cones wound into smaller packages to sell.  It is just one week until we leave for Fibres West where we will have a booth to try and sell yarn, some textiles and publications.  

I had a very productive day yesterday and had hoped to carry on in the same vein until we left but this morning I slipped on a patch of black ice and made a perfect two point landing - tail bone and head.  

I don't think I will be doing much weaving for a few days.  Otoh, it could have been worse.  I could have broken a wrist...

Currently reading The Gifted One by Gail Bowen. 


  1. Oh, no! I'm glad you didn't break anything, but you'll definitely be sore. Give yourself time to recover - and if you DON'T start feeling better, definitely get it checked out. I know 2 people who broke their tailbones this winter, and another one who got a concussion (skiing).

  2. Please be careful, Laura, and take it a little easier for a while!

  3. Ow! Hope you have plenty of good books lined up to help you take it easy.

  4. Oh, Laura! That ice can be such deadly stuff. I'm glad that you didn't end up in hospital and hope the head and "tail" feel better soon.

  5. Ouch! That's gotta hurt! Hope you heal up soon, Laura. See you and/or Doug at Fibres West!

  6. Oh NO!!! If it's not one thing it's another.

    Take it easy, and take that advice about getting it checked out.

  7. Tailbone can give you a lifetime of pain if not dealt with correctly (I speak from experience). So lucky you are not to have broken anything. Rest, heal, feel better as soon as you can.
