
Saturday, April 26, 2014


I am blessed with friends and family who encourage and support me.  

In spite of being very sick with a nasty virus, Doug loaded up the van with the boxes and bins we filled yesterday, emptying the end of the studio so the crew can fit in for the Big Project in (gasp!) 9 days. 

Loralee came back today and started by tidying the rayon chenille, then began filling the shelves with some of the 2/8 cotton tubes.  She says she will come back to finish that.  Plus she is going to store the clutter because the annex is full of stuff that needs to be accessible before I can begin dealing with the contents of the boxes and bins of clutter. 

I am grateful beyond words for the people in my life, including you, gentle reader.  My life would be a lot poorer and much less interesting without you all. 


  1. Laura, the studio is looking great! I hear ya, our loved ones are such great blessings.

  2. Wow; so tidy!! Congratulations!
    I see that you like pink a lot. Me too. I like gold rugs also.
    In fact, I like them both together.
    Looking good.

  3. Your studio looks great! Please send Loralee this direction.

  4. Good friends are indeed a blessing. Congrats on the studio cleansing.

  5. Friends are the BEST! And husbands too.
    Feel better and will be rooting for you on the 'big project'.
    See you soon! :)

  6. Looks superb, and yes, I agree wholeheartedly, were it not for friends, esp those we marry, our lives would be poorer. Hope you feel better soon,

  7. It looks so peaceful and it looks like creativity can flow in that space! I am love to get some of that vibe in my studio, (minus the cameras coming of course)!

  8. Oh, my! That studio looks wonderful. What an inspiring place to be! Enjoy.

  9. Lovely friends and family to help. I'm glad you have photo evidence of the transformation! Who knew there was so much space in your studio? If it were me I'd have trouble letting anything back in again unless something else goes out. It sure doesn't take long to pile up again, does it?
