
Monday, April 28, 2014

The Runner Stumbles

Since arriving home from the coast I had been steadily making good progress and not even working terribly hard at getting what needed doing, done.

And then I caught Doug's nasty virus.  With just days to go before the Big Project!  So I have eased off somewhat, taking things a bit 'easy' (or easier than I would have been doing, given the looming deadlines!) in hopes that I can keep this bug from completely taking over and ruining everything.

Over the weekend I got the demo warp onto the loom.  It is 7 meters long and follows the directions for the Spring Bouquet towels I had published in Handwoven's May/June 2013 issue.  It seemed appropriate, for many reasons.  :)

This morning I cleared the clutter off the table near the loom.  I left some things there because a) there is no where else to put them and b) the studio shouldn't look like it isn't used, right?  (S'my story, sticking to it.)

There is still the counter to the right of the loom to deal with.  But little by little, I'm getting there.

I'm a little worried now that I wove one too many towels and there won't be enough warp left for the demonstrations, but oh well....

Currently reading Blood by Lawrence Hill


  1. "Looming deadlines". Love it

  2. Vitamin C, echinacea, zinc, elderberry, and REST. Pushing will only make it worse.

    Studio looks GREAT!
