
Sunday, April 13, 2014

It's Over!

No pictures, sorry.  You will have to take my word for it that we had a great time.  ;)

The weather has been absolutely delightful.  It was almost a pity we were inside, but the studio windows opened so we did have some fresh air.  And a person or two did go for a walk at lunch time.  I should have, but somehow kept getting distracted.  (Oh look, yarn/loom/weaving!)

I'd met a few of the people before but had a chance to get to know them better and to get to know some 'new' people, too.

As always, a delight to travel somewhere to experience the joy and enthusiasm of other weavers.

Tomorrow we will attend a drop in and get to visit with yet more weavers/spinners, etc.  It will be a day 'off' before I hit the highway on Tuesday and start heading north.  Not too far, though, as I'll be visiting the Langley guild Tuesday evening, and then the Vancouver guild on Thursday evening.  Friday (Good Friday) I really will turn northwards, home to my own bed, a list of 'chores' that need to be accomplished before May 5.

I have managed to do some reading.  Finished Donna Leon's By its Cover and started Dana Stabenow's Everything Under Heaven.

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