
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Next Stop

Left this morning, heading north.  Crossed the border, noticing flags at half mast.  Not sure what happened but no doubt I will find out when I find a newspaper or tune into other media.  

Drop in yesterday was lovely.  The weather was mild, the company pleasant.  The hostess was happy to share her lace collection (I had brought my pillow to fwip some bobbins).  

She also had a spinning wheel with an unusual distaff.  I commented on it and she explained it was for tow linen, which has a much shorter staple than line linen.  The picture isn't great but hopefully you can see it. 


  1. You've probably figured it out by now but the flag lowering was for former federal finance minister Jim Flaherty who died last week.

  2. Yes, I asked someone.

    Hope to see you tomorrow?

